Genealogy Reports
Abraham Bishop Descendants   (pdf)
Abraham was born in 1815 in Pennsylvania and died in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana.
His great-granddaughter, Nora Mausalene Bishop, married Homer A. Ash
Nora Mausalene Bishop and Homer Andrew Ash on their wedding day June 19, 1926.
(Click on image for full-sized view)
Lula,  Lova, and Anna Flora
Anna Elizabeth Flora 1877-1951
Joseph J. Flora Genealogy  (pdf)
Joseph J. Flory, Sr. immigrated to Philadelphia on August 28, 1733 on the ship "Hope" from the Palitinate (Germany). He was 51 years of age when he arrived in the colonies. He had 6 children withhim, and Eva Catherine was born at sea. He settled in Rapho Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  He was Anna Flora's (Homer Ash's mother's) ancestor.
Levi, Clarence, Noah and Dale Flora
Levi, b. 1846,  Clarence, b. 1872, Noah, b. 1819, and Dale Flora, b. 1895.
Elias Marburger Descendants   (pdf)
Elias was born July 20, 1825 in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, and died June 26, 1906 in Union Township, Miami County, Indiana.  He and his wife, Christina Detro, had 15 children.  He was the great-grandfather of Nora Mausalene Ash on her maternal side.
Sarah Marburger, b. 1858, was a daughter of Elias Marburger.  She married Joseph Raber in 1879.
Sarah Marburger and Joseph Raber